Black blades

Alaric didn't expect her to run away, so Lilith was able to merged again with her superior Demon and regained all of her powers at once, thanks to this huge energy reserve.

Lilith felt alive again, and now that she was powerful enough, she took full possession of that body and rushed back towards the Golden Dragon.

She had to take care of him while he was still vulnerable, but she stopped halfway from her objective because Alaric was standing in her way again and he was not alone.

The Divine Mage, the superior Demon, who for some reason had chosen to stand on Alaric's side, and one of the direct descendants of the first Golden Dragon, was with him, blocking her way.

But Lilith didn't need to go there in person to get rid of this Golden Dragon, because now that her energy reserve was full again, all she had to do was to use her powers.