Speechless in front of such a beauty

Dylan looked at him dumbfounded and asked, "Does that mean that from the beginning you have no access to your energy reserve and you've been fighting only with your weapons and your Stats?"

Kilian just nodded and as he wanted to position himself in front of Dylan to protect him, Dylan stopped him and said, "Together... We fight together, and don't try to protect me, that's my job from now on not yours."

Kilian had always tended to protect him and even now when it was obvious that he was more powerful than him, Kilian still wanted to protect him.

When the space around them finished distorting, it was darker than in the other nightmare and they were in a huge cemetery.

There were tombstones everywhere or just wooden crosses and Kilian said to him, "Don't look at the names on the tombstones, some are of our brothers in arms who actually died, killed in battle, others are names of people who are still alive but in this nightmare, they are not... Get ready, they are coming!"