A fever that overcame them both (NSFW)

So he had only been able to buy a two-bedroom flat, which was more than enough for them at the moment.

He also told her that he had asked her parents to help him furnish it to make her feel as comfortable as possible and so Mia and James had gone back to Aurora to buy furniture for them.

Cassy's eyes widened when she heard this, and that was why the living room, the bedrooms, the bathroom, and even the kitchen looked so much like the luxurious flats on Aurora.

After he finished giving her a tour of their flat, he asked her, feeling a little nervous, "Do you like it Cassy? I'm sorry I made the decision alone and if you're not ready, we can always move back in with Carol, Glen, Paige and your parents, okay?"

Steven didn't want to put any pressure on Cassy, but he was worried for nothing as Cassy then said to him, after snuggling in his arms, "It's perfect, I really like the decoration, and the fact that we have our own place, it's wonderful Steven, I'm glad you made this decision."