Collecting items while fighting

Cassy then tried the Phoenix attacks on Jonas, Liam and Trevis, who wanted to train more seriously, and she gave it her orders mentally, following the instructions she had been given.

They were all able to observe the Phoenix's attacks and they were not disappointed.

While they had chosen an open area to fight in, so that the poor players at this level could avoid them and not get hurt accidentally, the Phoenix first threw a lot of little fireballs at them, and although these little fireballs weren't very powerful, they covered a large area.

The Phoenix could also launch larger fireballs, which were much more powerful, but it was an attack that had to be targeted at a particular person to be effective.

And it wasn't the power of its fire attacks that surprised them, because Ember and Liam's red flame could stop them easily, but it was the speed at which this Phoenix could launch them.

The Phoenix's mouth felt like a machine gun and it was never short of ammunition.