Chapter 5.18 - Yumiko - Alliance

While White and his friends go out there and defend against The Republic of Nova Crystalist, I had submitted a request to seek an alliance with The Government of Goblin. I had already sent in an envoy last week and I was expecting for a response after a week of waiting. But the only message I got at the time was White's successful defense against the enemy's vanguard unit.

"I knew I can count on you..." I praised him as I await a different message.

Just after I said that, a knock on the door of my throne room can be heard. I finally got news as a representative from Goblin had arrived to meet me. I asked my maid to help me get ready. Afterwards, I asked the guards to let the representative in. The representative was apparently another Lord I know.

"Greetings and salutation, your excellency. I am known as Lord Rune Fiore. I am representing Minister Jarde Asmodius of The Government of Goblin. I am here today to give a response from your excellency's proposition last week."

"Minister Jarde Asmodius, huh. Interesting..." I smiled despite knowing already who I'm actually allying with. "Proceed."

"Very well, your excellency." Lord Rune stood up and and relayed, "The Minister response with an absolute yes. He is grateful to know that The Empire of Violet will be joining together with The Government of Goblin."

"Wonderful." I was glad that worked out. "Then I assume the requirements that I proposed of this alliance can be agreed upon?"

Rune nodded, "Yes. You may use our information network as well as a 25% share of The Government's trading."

I smirked and replied, "Good. Then I guess we are done for today. Why don't you stick around Violet now that you are already here? We have a lot of commodities to be desired."

"Thank you very much, your excellency. I'll do exactly as you told and leave in two days." Rune then stood up and leave the throne room.

Once he was gone, I ordered everyone to leave me alone with my maid. All of my knights went out of the throne room and once there were gone, I laughed maniacally.

"This is too wonderful. I can't believe that fool would agree to a 25% share of the tradings done in his city. I was so prepared to bargain with his representative but it looks like everything is in place for me."

I laughed again and said to myself, "And to think that all I did was entice him with our high quality equipment. That was too easy...".

I left my throne and walked to a window and looked outside and changed my tone, "Unlike Sam Maximus...she's smarter than this."

And just as I stepped near the window, a pigeon had arrived for me. I grabbed the pigeon and took out the message that was wrapped on its leg. It was a message from The Kingdom of Spectrum. They have finally agreed to my terms in allying together.

"It took me 4 times but I finally did it. Sam finally decided to form an alliance with me..." I continued reading, "And just at the right time as well!"

Apparently Sam just received a response from Minister Jarde about kneeling down to her. They have not given an honest answer but the queen does not know that as they were pretty much forced to. This was a good opportunity for me to create some discord between those two.

Then another of my maid came into the room and reported, "The 3 Adventurers have successfully fended off Nova Crystalist's vanguard at FF Base. The enemy have retreated after the vanguard's captain was apparently, killed in a surprising matter."

"You mean assassination." I told my maid. "Don't worry. You can use that word in front of me."

She nodded, "Yes, Cyclone White. The one you asked to command the base, single handed assassinated the enemy's captain."

"Interesting, he'd rather go outside instead of staying cooped up in that base, huh." I applaud his work.

So the story goes that White was never at the base when the enemy begun their assault. He was together with Shiro when they released the floodgate. After that, White went on his separate ways and got into the enemy encampment and assassinated the vanguard's captain just as they were still regrouping. The troops scattered as they lost their leader and they tried to apprehend White but he was able to get out of trouble swiftly as he got into it.

"I that's how he works in this world. Then I'm happy to comply with a suitable role for him in my chess board."

"He is not a pawn piece then?" my maid asked.

"No..." I walked and made my way to a certain table. "From this chess board...He is...a bishop. He moves all over the place in a surprising matter."


I sighed and said, "With that being said, we now have the right people allying and exchanging information with us. We'll use this to create discord and open an opportunity for us."

"The Government of Goblin...what do you intend to do with them?" my maid asked.

I told her, "I'm going to plan a seed for them. At the same time as well, the mysterious Chaos Champion will also be revealed in time..."

My maid understood and bowed down as I laughed.

"Alright then." I turned around and said, "Summon White and his friends back here. An award awaits them."