21. First Aid.

" Hey!!…. Hey!!" I yelled, jiggling my hands in the air while jumping to grab the Minotaur's attention.

I heightened my voice before the Minotaur finally turned towards me.

"Yes!!" I rejoiced.

Yep. It's official. I must be insane to be rejoicing while seeing a predator dashing toward me.

"Yes!! Come here! Come and get me!!" I yelled, and the Minotaur dropped Jasmine's defenseless body to the ground.

It then dropped on all fours before pawing the ground with its forefeet and sending dirt flying behind it.

I stood my ground and watched as the Minotaur backed up a bit before charging toward me.


Feeling neither fear nor regret for my choice, I charged towards the Minotaur as well, with my dagger in my hand.

Only one of us gets to leave with what we want, and It's going to be me.

[Minotaur: Level 4.]

[HP: 40/40.]


(Jasmine's POV.)

A sudden assault of pain surged through my body, and it hurt all over.

It felt more like my body was burning all over right after the Minotaur tossed me toward the tree.


The Minotaur dropped me to the ground.

My vision was blurry, but I could hear Ace screaming and yelling while his arms were frantically shaking in the air.

The Minotaur then dropped on all fours and rammed toward him.

"Ugh!!" I tried to get up, but...

"Ouch!!…. Ugh!" it only made the pain worse.

Then a notification popped up on my retina.

[Ding!! Dislocation. You have a dislocated shoulder. Treat yourself and use a pack of ice to reduce the pain.]

[Ding! Broken bones. You have a broken index finger on your right and a broken thumb on your left hand. Treat yourself and take a rest.]

[Ding! Cut. You have three massive cuts on your left thigh. Find a secluded spot and stitch yourself.] .

[Ding! First Aid skill has been activated.]

[Ding! All wounds and injuries will lead to a direct deduction of 1 HP every ten minutes.]

"No wonder my body feels like a mess…hehe," I chuckled softly while I lolled on the ground with my palm on my face.

Since I knew the state of my body, I decided to take a look at my health status.

[HP: 4/10.]

I chuckled at the sight of my HP.

If Ace hadn't diverted the Minotaur's attention away from me, I would have been dead right about now.

"Oh, Ace!!" I suddenly recalled seeing a boy around my age, helping me to distract the Minotaur.

'Maybe he thought there was still hope I had not died and then decided to help me,'

"Do such people still exist? Much less a criminal such as myself?"

I don't know, but he doesn't look like someone who could hurt a fly.

Or perhaps he's just one of those weird inmates who wouldn't have been a criminal if something had not triggered him to stand up for himself.

"Then that would make him someone like me," I muttered under my breath.

'No! Think straight Jasmine.'

"Now is not the time. Get up and help him," I urged myself before rising to take a seat on the floor.

Then I drifted my gaze towards where Ace was to see him running towards the Minotaur with a dagger in his hand.

'Does he intend to kill a level four monster with that?'

When the Minotaur was just a few meters from him, Ace decided to take a different approach.

He turned to his right and ran straight to a tree, and the Minotaur trailed right behind me.

Since it ran on all four limbs, the Minotaur's speed appeared to have been doubled, compared to when it ran with just its two legs.

Then it chased Ace towards the tree, but Ace pretended to have no means of escaping from the rampaging Minotaur.

This made the Minotaur hasten its pace as it aimed to ram Ace into the tree with its curved horns.

But then Ace leaped towards his left to evade the Minotaur's attack.

The Minotaur's speed had reached a point where it couldn't slow down anymore and was left to crash straight into the tree, stunning itself in the process.



Suddenly, it dropped to the floor in shock at what had just occurred.

"Hehe…." I tittered at such a sight. He is a weird one.

I wonder what his story was that led to him being here as a criminal.

"Not now, Jasmine," I slapped both of my cheeks very gently before looking at my left thigh where the Minotaur had made three deep cuts with its sharp claws.

The Minotaur rose again, feeling all better from its previous stunned state, and it ran towards Ace who initially seemed to be heading this way but had to change his route due to the Minotaur's revived state.

"I knew the Minotaur could only be stunned momentarily,"

This was because it is a level 4 monster, allowing it to have a shorter period to stay stunned than lower-leveled monsters.

"Get up Jasmine! Get up." I urged myself to shake off the stinging pain I felt from all sides of my body.

Then I turned to my left shoulder, which seemed to be dislocated.

One of the skills which I acquired right after my experience point exceeded the 300-point range was the [First Aid] skill, which granted me the knowledge of how to self-treat myself during circumstances like this.

Before I acquired the skill, my HP would be dropping exponentially at the slightest of injuries made but since I have the skill now, it reduces my HP every ten minutes.

I think it is because I had acquired this skill, so the system understands that I can perform self-treatment on my own if given enough time.

I grabbed the wrist of my left arm and forcefully pulled it forward and straight in front of me to guide the ball of my arm bone back to its socket.

If I were in my cabin, I would have placed my arm in a sling to give it a better chance of healing faster, but since I wasn't, I had to make use of my arm just like that.

"It's time to get serious,"


The total number of players currently in the game: 78,852.

Number of deceased players: 24

The total number of deceased players: 1,148.