37. Day Six.

The next morning, I woke up to find myself alone in the back seat of the truck.

Jasmine was nowhere to be found, I stepped out of the truck and then wandered around a bit before seeing her sitting on a log, already serving the meal we were to eat this morning.

Woah, I knew she wasn't lazy but, seeing her awake so early with breakfast ready, I can't help but think that Jasmine would make an excellent wife.

I envy who she's going to end up with.

Well, that's if we make it out of this game alive.

Based on her story and the way she acts, it's easy to see she comes from a good home.

And it doesn't look like she was a serial killer before coming here.

She's just a young girl who thought it would be better to have revenge on Liam rather than report to the authorities.

Well, since Liam's parents were influential, he would probably be bailed out of prison before she could even blink twice.

Moreover, she would need substantial evidence if she hoped to have the cops on her side, but that would most likely be a lost cause when it comes to people like Liam.

We exchanged greetings and ate the meal Jasmine made for us.

Which was really good, by the way.

My complement to the chef.

Of course, there's no way in h.e.l.l I'm going to say that out loud.

My pride won't let me.

"I've acquired a brand-new skill book,"

Jasmine updated me. We were currently done with our meal and were relaxing before we searched around the forest for more kobolds and wolves.

Since she's saying this to me, I'm guessing she wants to give me a brand-new skill book.

Of course, this is good news for me. He-he.

This is one of the few perks I'm benefiting from this partnership.

'He-he,' it seems I'm already considering partnering up with her once again.

"Really?" I acted surprised.

"Yeah, but, I won't be giving you this skill book,"

Well, that was unexpected.

Just when I was beginning to like our partnership.


"Hehe..... You were expecting me to give you this skill book just now, weren't you?" she smirked with a smug look on her face.

" Me?... No way. Why would I want your skill book?" I averted my gaze away from hers.

D.a.m.n it!! Did I make it look obvious I was sad to not receive a brand-new skill?

"Oh, so you don't want my skill book, huh?" She peered at me with suspicion.

"....." I averted my eyes yet again.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

Why is she making it hard for me right now?

Jasmine chuckled then added. "I can't give you the skill book because I noticed something weird about it,"

" What do you mean?"

" Look at your skill section,"

I summoned my status panel as she requested.

"Do you see the skill labeled 'Enhanced Vision', 'Enhanced Hearing', and 'Enhanced Smell'?"

These three skills were skill accessible to those who were level 2 and above.

Currently, they were inaccessible to me and so, were locked, unlike other useless level 1 skills I could see.

" Yeah, I do,"

"Did you see the one underneath the three skills?"

This one was labeled 'Enhanced Perception skill' and, of course, was locked just like the other three because I hadn't leveled up yet.


"The moment I purchased one of the three skills, the 'Enhanced Perception skill' became unavailable to me,"

" You mean it was locked?"

" No, gone will be the right word for it. I'm left with only the remaining two skills now,"

She unlocked one of the three skills while the fourth one vanishes from the list of hundred skills listed here, and she was able to notice this?

Aside from the four level 2 skills she made mentioned, there were dozens of other level 2 skills on the list.

Most of them didn't look important while a few of them were, but still, she took note of a skill vanishing from the list.

That's pretty remarkable.

I have to say, she is quite the vigilant one.

Why do I sense that she knew my HP had dropped to 1 while we were fighting?

Doesn't it mean, she spared my life back then?

No, no, no..... Let's forget about such thoughts for now.

"So, which skill did you get your hands on?" I asked.

"It's the 'Enhanced Vision' skill,"

" Oh, and why is that?"

"Since I'll be going to the labyrinth once I'm healed, I'll be needing this skill. The labyrinth is pretty dark down there. The hovering gold coins and skill books are what illuminate the pitch-black abode of the Minotaur,"

"Oh, I see. But why did you think I shouldn't have the 'Enhanced Vision' skill?"

With the vast number of skill books at our disposal and the limited number of skill points afforded to us, acquiring as many skill books as I can will be the best way for me to progress faster than anyone else.

The 'Enhanced Vision' skill helps to improve a player's eyesight across vast distances both at night and in daylight.

This means a player would be able to brightly view dark and dim places as if it were daylight.

"Well, if you think about it. All three skills seem to have something in common. I can't enhance my field of vision while doing the same thing to my field of sound,"

Oh, I see, if all three skills can only be used once at a time, then the 'Enhanced Perception skill' improves the chances of players using all three organs at the same time.


Of all the four skills available to us, the 'Enhanced Perception skill' is the only one without a specific briefed detail of what the skill is.

This must have been the Celestial elves doing.

Diverting everyone's attention towards unlocking one of the three skills, while paying less attention to the most important skill of all.

Very clever, if I do say so myself.


The total number of players currently in the game: 78,030.

The number of deceased players: 6.

The total number of deceased players: 1,970.