50. Ace Vs Han.

The bullet pierces through the skull of the hobo and with an aghast look on his face, Steven's lifeless body dropped backward with a loud thud.

With a smirk on his face, Spencer asks. "What's your level?"


He scoffed at the sound of my level, almost as though his level was way higher than mine.

I knew mine was way behind by so many players, but I know how hard it is to level up, and seeing as how I have leveled until now, I don't think I have anything to worry about my current pace either.

If he was way beyond mine, it just means I'm going to have to put on my A-game when we clash against one another.

"We're currently thirty in the group. With one down, there's a free spot for you to fill in as a new member. Everything you need to know will be explained to you, but first…"

"Han," Spencer called, his eyes still locked on to mine.

He still doesn't trust me, huh?

He's been watching me ever since I was ambushed.