68. Kingdom Of Aquaria.

The remaining guards dragging the other tired players away stood in shock at what I did.

The guard I tossed away glared at me with rage, while rubbing the arm I squeezed with every fiber of my being.

He hurried to his feet and gritted his teeth.

"You!" He roared. "You dare lay your filthy hands on me?"

His humanoid feet then turned into a fin, and he swam toward me at breakneck speed.

But the voice of someone superior stormed through the cell, enabling every guard to drop to their knees? Fins?

Well, you get the drill.

"What in the name of Neptune is going on here?"

A massive Fishman with mermaid fins and a body that clearly shows he works out a lot appeared before us in the cell.

"King Neptune! I was only following orders, but this human sought to…."

" Silence!!" King Neptune interrupted. " This human?" King Neptune noticed the disdain in his words.