102. Monolith.

Apart from suddenly having a cute little girl as my daughter, The rest of the day went by without any noteworthy event.

Our search for the monolith was also unfruitful. We once again ventured further into the desert, hoping to make better progress elsewhere.

It's been two days since we began our expedition and still, there's been no progress.

Aside from the familiar dust coyotes, sandworms and scorpions, we have not discovered any new type of beast.

Raising my head to the scorching sun, I caught the sight of a large bird gliding through the sky, seemingly in search of something.

Upon spotting us from above, it dove down towards us at breakneck speed.

Engulfed in flames, it turned into a cute little vermilion bird before perching on my shoulder.

"Did you find anything?" I asked Amber right after she transformed into her cute little humanoid form.