Peace Gathering!

Chapter 168: Peace Gathering!

Leon returned to Madevin Metropolis.

He was instantly called by Madam Jasmin.

Not tired at all, for the journey back home was quite long, Leon left his carriage to his beloveds and made his way to Jasmin's house. Leon noticed the unfamiliar and foreign tense atmosphere as he went through the already familiar route.

People have already learned about The Death Lord.

However, that was not all.

Leon caught a few more names that shocked him. "The Human Emperor… The Chaos Dragon… Goddamnit… Things are getting really nerve-wracking…."

Leon sped up to Madam Jasmin's house.

Inside, he saw Else silently reading a book. When her golden eyes fell on Leon, she smiled and covered her face with the book, for her mother's serious gaze ordered her to not bother them. Moreover, Jasmin wanted to have her daughter close more than ever before.