The Reason He Postponed His Marriage

"This is not a time for a joke Blake?" Marissa once again tried to get up. This time Blake let her go.

Blake finally smiled, "I'm sorry. Just want to tease you."

"This is not funny." She glared sharply at him and pulled down the T-shirt to cover her thigh that was lifted up. She stood there for a while and let out a huff of anger before running inside the room.

Closing the door, she leaned on it. "What is this?" Marissa held onto her chest. Her heartbeat sounded like it would jump out of her body.

"Hey…" Blake knocked on the door. "I'm sorry, okay." He said, but received no answer. "At least finish your food. Only then you can eat your medicine." Still trying to persuade her, he waited in front of the door for a few minutes.

All of sudden, the door opened and Marissa's face appeared. "Where are my clothes?" She asked with a frown all over her face.

"I sent it for a dry clean." He told the truth. The moment he was done changing her clothes, he called for Uncle Arman to come and sent them for a dry clean.

"Why?" Marissa just couldn't believe her eyes. "Then what shall I wear now?"

Blake looked at her up and down, "You are wearing something now."

"I mean…" She sighed in anger, "I need to head back right now and I can't wear this, right?" She pulled the t-shirt.

"Well…" He leaned his head and looked at the t-shirt, "why not?"

"Blake!" She slapped his chest right away.

He smiled and moved forward.

"Oh wait, stop. What are you doing?" Marissa stepped back, and today Blake acted totally different from how he usually did. She didn't think she ever saw this side of him all these past years.

Blake continued walking into the room and walked past her, "There are clothes for you there, choose the one you like." He pointed to the wardrobe at one corner of the room.

Her cheeks had turned redden from the embarrassment. She tried to act like nothing happened and took a peek at the side he pointed before, 'Oh it looks like a corner for dressing.' She thought in her mind. She had entered this room about four times, but this was the only time she was sobered. Maybe because of that, she never noticed the design of the whole room before.

Walking to that corner, she saw that there was a curtain that had been slid open. Perhaps it was used to cover the space. "This wardrobe?" She asked, bending her head slightly to the back to look at Blake who was still standing at his last place.

Blake nodded.

The moment Marissa opened the wardrobe, her eyes immediately widened. "Do you have a girlfriend that I don't know?!" She shouted. Her eyes were still looking at the row of women's clothes that were hanging in there.

"I bought it for you…" He stepped forward.

"Me?" She looked at him who was now standing in front of the wardrobe. "Ah, what a great lie…" She smirked and continued checking the clothes.

"Bought it today. I still have the receipt if you want." There was not a slight hint of joke on Blake's face.

Marissa's hand stopped at one dress when he said those words. "Is there something wrong?" She turned to him and asked. "Don't tell me you are sick or diagnosed with a chronic disease…" Her eyes suddenly opened wide. "No right?"

"Nonsense." He shook his head, "I bought it thinking about what happened today. In case this kind of thing happens again, there are clothes for you to change into." Blake explained, clearing whatever she thought in her mind. He asked his staff to get all the clothes from the nearby store as soon as possible when she was sleeping earlier. That was how all the clothes ended up in his wardrobe today.

"Ah…that's so sweet." She jumped hugging him but a few seconds later she let it go quickly. "Can I wear this one?" Marissa hurriedly took the dress she checked earlier and put it in front of her body. Her expression was too awkward and Blake could see it.

"Tonight?" He asked and Marissa nodded. "Going back home?" Another question coming from his mouth to confirm her decision.

"Yes, is there something wrong?" Her eyes rounded in confusion.

"Not this one. Just wear…" He chose a sweatshirt and pants from the wardrobe and passed it to her hands, "this…"

Marissa saw dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"It's freaking cold out there and you want to wear this?" He took the dress from her hand. "No, or else just sleep here."

Her brows furrowed. "Wait…" She held onto her waist, feeling disagreed with his behaviour. "My house is not that far…"

"This is way too short!" He raised his voice.

She was silenced, having a deep thought. "I wore something shorter before, but you didn't mention anything and now, why the hell do you care?"

Blake bit his lip, holding himself from bursting out. He should have reminded his staff not to buy anything this short. He just couldn't imagine another man's eyes ogling on her thigh. He himself almost surrendered to his lust looking at those two smooth white thighs in front of him right now.

In the middle of silence and tension, both of them heard a sound of someone trying to put on a code of the door lock. Blake hurried to the front and asked Marissa to stay in the room.

Looking at the door screen monitor, he could see his grandmother's bodyguard trying to open the door. While his grandmother was waiting at the back with an annoyed expression.

Did not feel the need to wait, he opened the door for them. "What do you want?"

"Great! You should've done it earlier." Ruby, his grandmother trying to barge in.

Blake blocked it right away, "Where do you think you are going?"

"Why? Can't I even enter my own grandchild's house?" She said, while her eyes wildly trying to take a peek inside the house.

"No you can't." He honestly answered.

"I don't care…" Ruby slipped under his spread arms and rushed in. Seeing the empty living room, she still was not convinced. She believed there was something Blake was hiding. If not, why did he want to postpone getting married for a year now.

"Grandma, please!" Blake shouted when Ruby was now heading to his bedroom.

The strong reaction from Blake made her sure there was someone in this room but the silence made Ruby frowned. She looked around and saw something. A pair of legs behind the curtain.

When Ruby slid the curtain open, Marissa, who was standing behind it, was stunned. Her eyes opened hastily and she gulped several times thinking what she should do at that time.

"So, is she the reason you postponed your marriage?" Ruby's eyes were checking Marissa up and down full of judgement.