Register The Marriage

"Ruby?" The name made Blake's eyes widened in anger. There was only one person that he knew with the name Ruby would dare to do this kind of thing. "When?"

"When?" Henry asked, he didn't understand the question.

"When did you meet her?" Blake's eyes were glaring sharp answering that. He seemed to reach his limit of patience.

"Oh I met her two times." Henry said without any sense of guilt.

Two times meeting Ruby just for the sake of abandoning her daughter for money? Blake laughed, laughed madly.

"Is it last week?" Blake asked the moment he stopped laughing. He did look like he was on the verge of losing his mind.

"A little bit over then a week I think…" Henry rolled his eyes upward, thinking. "And met her again a few days ago, I think Friday?" He smirked, "She is fast, I got the money an hour after I met her."

A punch hit Henry's face right away, "If you received the money to cut your relationship with your daughter…why are you here?!" Snatching onto Henry's collar once again, Blake continuously punched Henry's face and because of that his nose bled on the spot.

"Blake stop stop…" Marissa shook in fear. Blake never showed this side of him to her.

Henry wiped the blood that was flowing down from his nose. "I came here to ask them to clear this house. I am selling this house." He looked at Marissa who had a confused face upon hearing his words. "Don't you know that this house is under my name?" He smirked.

"It is mom's house. It is never yours!" She recalled how they struggled everyday until they managed to buy this house and she remembered her mother signed the house contract. It was clearly mentioned that this house owner was Wanda, her mother.

"Aaaa…" Henry sneered. "Well, she loves me so much that it was easy for me to ask her to change ownership to me…"

"No!" Marissa looked at Blake then looked at Henry, "No…when?!" Wanda promised her and Micky that she would never change the ownership, no matter what happened.

Henry looked annoyed, "Haisssh…just pack all your things or I will throw away all of them."

"You lied…" Marissa rushed forward and clenched onto Henry's shirt.

He pushed her aside easily, "This house has been mine since a year ago. Don't you get it. Your mom is that fool that I just need to give her a fake hope. Bam.." Henry snapped his fingers, "Then the house is mine."

Marissa's soul seemed to leave her body. She was staggering and Blake came holding her in his arms.

"Don't you dare touch anything…get out now!" Blake yelled.

"Woah…do you want me to call the police for you? Let's see who would be detained for breaking into someone's house?" Henry looked confident and he knew he would win this.

Blake breathed hard. He was trying to calm himself or not, Henry would be dead in his hand right there right at that moment. "Let's go to my house first for now…" He gently whispered those words at Marissa. "And called Micky to go there when he finished his job."

Marisa didn't move. She still couldn't grasp everything that had been happening to her since yesterday.

"Let's go, take what you need first. We will come later to take everything else." Blake cupped her cheeks and rubbed his thumb to calm her. "Don't worry too much."

Marissa only heard the last sentence, she raised her face and looked at Blake who was looking at her with the eyes that gave her hopes.

Slowly walking to her room, to pack what she needed, Henry's words stopped their steps.

"I wonder why someone would pay me to stay away from you…" He paused there, looking sharply at Marissa. "But I think I made the wrong decision."

Both of them heard that and Marissa couldn't keep her calm anymore. Her hands were trembling in fear.

"Should I return the money?" Henry smirked, giving an eerie vibe. "If I know you are worth a lot, I should have sold you to someone who would offer me more?"

Marissa's heart beat like a machine gun that was shooting nonstop at a target. She got the meaning right away.

Seeing the reaction, Henry felt so satisfied. "Well you know, you are my daughter. You came into life because of me. Don't you think you need to devote your life for me?"

Thud! A kick hit right at Henry's stomach the moment he said those. "Stop saying bullshit! Or you won't even see tomorrow." Blake ran to the room and grabbed Marissa's handbag then held onto Marissa's hand. They rushed out of the house right away. That was the right thing to do for her at that moment.

Henry's laughter filled the house. "I will get everything that I can as long as you are my daughter!"

Bang! The door was slammed by Blake and after rushing out, they stopped at the elevator.

"Listen Marissa, don't ever worry about anything he spits just now. I am sure, he made the deal with grandma and grandma is the most particular person when she made a deal." The deal was to stay away from Marissa, so he was sure Ruby would sign a contract and had something to prevent Henry from coming to Marissa. What he was not sure of, why did his grandmother do that? She disliked Marissa after all.

Marissa remained quiet until they reached Blake's apartment. Opening the door to the room next to him, he said, "Tell Micky to stay in this room. You can stay in mine."

The words from Blake made Marissa look at him on the spot. "Why?"

"You overuse the word 'why' nowadays." Blake pinched her cheek, "Just use it, I will sleep somewhere else."

"Where?" Marissa kept on questioning and it made Blake laugh right away.

"I'm sorry for laughing. I know the mood is gloomy but you are so cute that I can't handle it." Blake honestly told her what was on his mind.

"Why would you sleep somewhere else? I will not agree to that, this is your house. Sleep here." Marissa kept her poker face.

Blake remained silent after hearing that. He held his earlobe while thinking.

"Am I saying something wrong?" Marissa asked, a little bit uncomfortable being stared like that by Blake.

"You don't have anything to do right now, right?" He asked after a few moments.

She shook her head still puzzled with Blake's expression right now.

"Then, let's go to the marriage registry office." Blake said that without any hesitation and Marissa who was surprised couldn't hide it. It was all over her face.

"What do you mean?" She asked, stuttering.

"Let's register our marriage first." He dropped another bomb and Marissa closed her eyes in anger.

"Are you joking right now?" She hated it so much if someone treated marriage as a child play.

"No I am not. I am serious, but…" He paused, meeting her eyes, "We need to hide the fact we are married until I confirm something that I am curious about."