Red and Green Flag

A smile didn't leave Blake's lips since then. He was so happy that they finished registering their marriage. He felt like he was on cloud nine. The ten years that he had been waiting felt so sweet.

"Bye…" Marissa waved at him the moment she closed the door.

Instead of driving away, he stepped out of the car. He walked straight to Marissa and held her hand, "I will send you inside…"

"No no no…" She pulled her hand and immediately refused his suggestion. "I am more than happy you sent me to work. You even take a leave today, I feel bad."

Blake smiled, "I am moreeee than happy to send you to work everyday."

Marissa scrunched her nose. She tiptoed and tried to reach his ear, "This feels weird, act like you usually act please…"

The laughter ended up bursting hearing her words. "How did I act before?"