A Trouble Maker

Archer knew right away that they needed to head somewhere to discuss this matter. "Sir, I suggest we go down first. This matter can't be discussed this way…" Archer tried to make Blake calm down.

Blake's chest that was heaving up and down really showed how angry he was. "Why?! Why are you just telling me now?!" The fact he was being lied to, was not the reason he was so mad right at that moment. It was because of that stupid question she asked her, 'Did you just slap my mom?' and the look he gave her at that time.

"Aaaaa!" Blake shouted out all his frustration and the rain that was pouring down heavily, couldn't  shut him down.

Archer, who was startled, remained silent.

Margaret who was anxiously waiting inside the car, looking outside, trying to figure out what they were discussing. When she looked outside, her eyes immediately met Blake's that was burning in anger. Quickly turned, she leaned back to her seat.