Pre Honeymoon

"Feeling better?" Blake asked, seeing Marissa was out of the bathroom. They stayed in the VIP waiting room for now while the arrangement to change the villa was done. Marissa's pale lips still concerned Blake. He knew she couldn't swim but he didn't know she was afraid of going inside the water.

Marissa nodded her head, sitting on the seat beside him.

"Shall we go to the restaurant you mentioned earlier?" Blake asked as she didn't say anything.

"Tonight?" Marissa's reply was not as Blake expected. She didn't look like she wanted to go.

"Yup…why? You don't want to go tonight?" Blake asked.

"Hmm…" She nodded. "I guess falling in the water makes me exhausted…" She giggled, half joking. It was true that her energy level dropped and she was now feeling sleepy.

"Okay, I will just ask them to send the dinner to our room." Blake said but immediately looked up as Danny approached them.

"Sir, the room is now ready." Danny informed him.