
The tannery produced leather and artisans made them into leather armor. Blacksmiths then made iron swords that they equipped. As for Roan, he used an axe and a shield.

Also, the hardwood artisans made wooden shields. The bows and arrows were then made next. Further advancing their weaponry in the process. They also made torches in case of delving into dark places.

They trained recruits and then made 14 militias. There were 5 Light infantry and 3 Archers that he gathered for their mission. There were 2 scouts to lead the way and scout for potential dangers. Also, they bring up meat for their rations. And their camping supplies were ready and not forgotten. They were now well-equipped and Roan made his last briefing before leaving.

"We will conquer the nearby stronghold near the Bloodsworn castle and goblins await us! We should go home alive and kicking. Don't die on me!"

"Aye! Sire!" they shouted.

They soon left off the wooden gates and several of them bade them farewell. They should be working but they took the hassle of sending them off.

They walked passed the guards and the forest was what greeted them. Pinewood forest was the place. And as we speak, were covered with large trees as such.

The chirping of the birds echoed inside it and soon felt the wind blow in a howling sound. The temperature fell and they have difficulty not shivering. The wind was whooshing as it collided with the leaves.

It was afternoon and they rested after a day of traveling. Their feet and muscles ached on the tiring adventure inside the woods. Roan and the others made camp in a well-spaced-out location and put forth some firewood settled in the center. A campfire was lit and a cooking spit was placed right on top of the fire. Tents were then put up encompassing the fire.

They cooked the meat into a soup and several of them volunteered to guard during the night. Soon, the cricket sound started and Roan huddled near the fire to warm up himself. His axe and shield were on his side. Even the owl hoots while he was settled in his seat.

He talked with the others as they ate the food still hot. Blowing it as the steam went out of the broth. He ate meat that was seasoned with salt. It was enough with just the ginger to season it.

The night then passed by and he slept on his bedroll inside his tent. Dreams followed as he was sound asleep. Morning came but it was still dark and several guards were still up guarding their post. Having a small round of sleep and guarding made them slightly drained.

"Let us break camp and get ready to resume our travels," Roan commanded them.

"Yes, sire!" one guard replied.

They soon break camp and put dirt on the campfire. Eating cold meat soup in the morning. They soon resumed their travels up north. The place where they will have to conquer the castle.

They soon went traveling and went camping again after arriving on a river. The day passed by and night came. With wolves lurking and observing their movements inside their camp, they can't help but be wary. Other guards haven't slept at all for the night.

Morning came and the wolves attacked. Roan was alerted and took his axe and shield. Running towards the battle. The guards were fighting them off for a minute already.

Other enemies barked at them and then showed their fangs in intimidation. They soon were encompassed and then they attacked with full force.

Roan then bashed his shield on one enemy and rotated with a slash. Slicing off the pelt of the wolf.

He immediately hacked it and decapitated its head.

Wolves then howled to call forth more enemies. Roan can only click his tongue on the process. He ran towards the other guards who were on pinch and helped them. Hacking and slashing them off with a brutal weapon. They were flung with every hit of his axe.

One enemy tried to leap at him and he bashed its head instead. Making the enemy whimper in the process.

Roan then attacked them with fierceness. Slashing and cleaving several others with his axe. Enough to throw them away with his force. Roan then was surrounded by all of them after he all gathered their aggro.

He was attacked left and right as the enemies thought he would not stand a chance as he was alone. All guards went panicking as their Lord was in grave danger.

It was then, that Roan was attacked. He blocked and bashed them that attacked then evaded some fangs. Rotating then bashed and slashed. Others wailed as they were hit and they felt disheartened by their attack.

When the wolves knew that they didn't stand a chance, they immediately retreated. Several others soon followed one with its cowardice and wise decision.

"Haha! Take that!" one guard shouted.

"We won! Haha!" the other one followed.

They soon looted the pelt and as for the meat, it was put aside. They were not a fan of eating dog meat.

They soon break camp and then resumed their travel. The castle was near and they will be battling it out with the inhabitants of the place. A fight for conquest will be soon put forth.

They resumed traveling and finally saw the stronghold up ahead. Flags were torn with time and were weathered for many years.

As they watched the place, they saw goblins above the walls. Others were patrolling while others were on guard. Having crude armor and weapons that they were using made them a bit weak. But fret not as they were cunning in battle.

All the guards knew this and they didn't underestimate them a bit. It would be foolish to do that even with their small size. Their numbers were also one of their strengths as they were good at doing combos with the others and as well as covering others' backs. A tactic that humanity has learned from them.

They soon find a place to rest while hiding from them. Cooking with fire will be a bad thing to do as the enemies will soon find out the smoke that will be made to rise above. And so they will have to strike while the iron was still hot.

They still have the energy and strength for a fight and it was still day at the time. Attacking in an unknown place will be devastating especially at night. They soon were led by the scouts as they knew the layout of the castle.

They soon went towards the castle and the goblin archers on the walls soon saw them. The archers fired at them and the light infantry was fired at. Shielding their arrows as the archers fired back.

One enemy was hit on the right shoulder and it winced in the pain. Killing all of their sentries in the process. Roan then saw goblins that went out of the stronghold gates. There were 8 of them that were armed.

It was then a battle that took place. Archers fired at them from the distance and the light infantry attacked them.

"Shields up!" Roan commanded them.

They attacked them with a shield formation and their shields were leaped upon by the goblins.

Their faces were full of fierce fury. Saliva was drooling as they charged at their formation.

They then stabbed them with their swords and slashed them while advancing. The goblins then fell one by one with their attacks.

They soon advanced inside the castle gates and saw more enemies incoming. They maintained their formation and Roan didn't fail to give instructions.

The enemies charged at their shields and they bashed them. Making them flung away from them. Swords then slashed them as they tried to come back at them. Archers fired at them from the distance and the enemies felled one by one.

A few minutes passed and their surge stopped. It was then, that the soldiers were the only ones who remained standing. Enemies littered the floor and they all shouted a victory shout. Roan then sighed and breathed out air to calm himself.

They went inside the castle and all their enemies were killed as they delved deeper into it. Killing as much as possible.

"All enemies have to be eradicated and cleanse the place with all enemies!" Roan commanded them.

It was a few hours of gruesome battle and they finally killed all their enemies. All nooks and crannies were searched and all goblins were killed young and old. The stronghold was now liberated and they burned the dead bodies. Making a warning to all enemies that remained up north.

[Stronghold Liberated]

[Fiefs list updated]


1 Camp (Can be upgraded to a village)

1 Stronghold (Can be upgraded to a military camp with outposts)


1 Village (Bloodsworn village)

1 Castle (Bloodsworn castle)

3 Outposts

1 Military camp