Chapter 21 Planning A Robbery

  "The second thing is that recent conflicts between other gangs and us have continued, which has affected our normal business. There is obviously a shortage of manpower in some places, Penn and I made a decision to increase the share ratio. The original business share will be increased from 10% to 15%, giving you enough money to recruit more subordinates."

  Many leaders showed joy, Don't underestimate this 5% it's a huge amount of income.

  "Number three!"

  Fred stretched out his last finger.

  "Previously, your own business was divided into 40-60 with the gang. I decided to increase this ratio to 30-70."

  Now the leader sitting below looked even more joyful.

  The daily business of the Austrian gang includes underground casinos, loan sharking, smuggling business, control of bars and nightclubs, and the Spanish gang's share of drug trafficking.

  For the rest, Gang members can find other money making jobs on their own.

  Theft, robbery, kidnapping, extortion, arms business, smuggling, debt collection, black market control, and more.

  In short, they do almost everything prohibited by criminal law, Now the share has increased by 10%, which is good news for everyone.

  Finally, Fred said:"Now that the gangs are in conflict, we need to increase our strength and give you more profits, which means letting you recruit more people. Only when we are stronger can we better deal with the crisis."

  On the way back. Ryder drove, and Hardy sat quietly in the back seat, thinking.The current gang crisis id definitely an opportunity for him. It is a great time to grow and expand.

  As the car drove by, there were lively streets and high rise buildings on both sides. Los Angeles in the 1940s was already full of high rise buildings and bustling with traffic, showing that it was very prosperous.

  There are ports, oil, population, and world-famous Hollywood. Los Angeles is definitely the jewel of the West Coast. In Hardy's eyes, Los Angeles is an infinite big gold mine.

  Back at Bill's house, he summoned his few brothers, and everyone sat down in the living room.

  "Henry, Matthew, Neil, and Leo, after a week of investigation, have you found any useful information?" Hardy asked.

  Henry looked at the others, "I'll come first. Matthew and I went to the territory of the Irish. They are very powerful there, and the people in the neighborhood are afraid of them. They are engaged in different business, drug trafficking, gambling, smuggling, etc. Lending, debt collection, theft, robbery, collection of protection fees, kidnapping, extortion, bars, nightclubs, tobacco and alcohol reselling, antique black market, money laundering, arms trafficking, human trafficking, and smuggling including almost all businesses that the underworld can involve."

  "There are more than 300 official members of the Irish, and even more peripheral members. They are very powerful. Due to the short time, Matthew and I only had time to contact some of them, such as their bars and nightclubs, as well as the casino."

  "Any information on the gang conflict?" Hardy asked.


  "About the the Spanish you asked to keep an eye on them. we mange to find out some information. A few days ago, Dani, the boss of the Spanish gang, took his military counselor to the Irishman's Hoffman Bar and met with the Irish boss, Hemi Weiss."

  Hardy's heart moved.

  The time Henry mentioned was shortly after he killed Cook.

  It was also from that time on that troubles frequently occurred in the Austrian gang territory.

  Big Ivan and the others came to the Bunny Bar to cause trouble after being instigated by the Spaniards.

  Hardy looked at Neil and Leo.

  "What did you gain from investigating the Spaniards?"

  Neil reported it immediately.

  "The main businesses of the Spanish gang are coke powder, casinos, underground boxing rings, loan sharks, artist scam. Among them, the drug business is the largest. It can be said that the Spanish are the largest drug sellers in Los Angeles, surpassing the Irish and Mexicans."

  "We also learned some of the intelligence Henry just mentioned. During this period, Dani, the boss of the Spanish gang, met the Irish and the Mexicans. His military advisor also met the Russians and the Poles."

  " He even contacted the French, but the French boss seems to want to stay low and didnt make any move "

  It's a Spaniard again.

  Hardy is now almost certain that the conflict between gangs in Los Angeles was most likely started by the Spaniards.

  This matter can also be said to have a lot to do with him.

  He killed Cook in the first place.

  The conflict completely intensified, and the Spaniards began to collaborate with other gangs to deal with the Austrian gangs.

  Of course, He didn't think Dani was doing it to avenge Cook, but more because of profit.

  After Hardy sorted out his thoughts, he had already made a decision in his mind: "Brothers, we are very short on money now, I have decided to do something big."

  These guys stood up immediately after hearing this.

  What they lack most now is money.

  Delivering drinks to the bar, the total profit for a week is only more than a 1000 $. That's barely enough to feed them and there is almost nothing left.

  Neil's wife is still lying in the hospital, and the medical bills are stacking up higher and higher.   Hardy's gold watch was sold before, and the subsequent medical bills are still a lot.

  Richard needs to take medicine for his eyes all the time, and he also wants to make money to make a prosthetic eye, which also requires a lot of money.

  Matthew is still on bail, and his case has not yet ended. The best solution is to compensate the other party for a sum of money and mediate to completely resolve the trouble.

  There are other people who are also doing it to make money and improve their lives.

  Hearing Hardy say he was ready to do something big, everyone got excited.

  "Boss, are you robbing a bank or a cash transport truck?" Matthew asked excitedly.

  Many people's idea of a big job is to rob banks and cash trucks.

  "We won't rob a bank, nor will we rob a cash truck." Hardy shook his head.

  The bank's security system is too strong, the vault door is troublesome, and the amount of cash on a cash transport truck is actually very limited. Hardy once paid attention to this and found out that in fact in this era a cash transport truck only carry 20,000 to 30,000 US dollars.

  Speaking of which, $20,000 to $30,000 was definitely a huge amount of money in 1945, but Hardy still felt it was too little.

  It will also arouse great concern in society, and the police will investigate it vigorously.

  The gain outweighs the loss.

  "Then what should we do?"

  Hardy smiled and said, "Robbing the Spaniards."

  "The armored transport truck carry tens of thousands of dollars at most. The Spanish casinos and loan shark companies keep a lot of cash, which is definitely better than the armored transport truck. There are more cash in the Spaniard casinos and their security are far more lax than banks vaults and cash transport trucks."

  Now the two sides are enemies, Hardy prepares to attack the Spaniard.

Black eats black, The police and the government will just turn a blind eye, and no one will look into it.

  Hardy looked at his subordinates and ordered: "Richard, Henry, Matthew, Neil, Leo, Kerry, you are all new faces. Go and investigate where the Spanish gang stores their money. I want the exact information. We will make a plan after collecting enough information's."


  Several people responded at the same time.

  For Robbing gangsters, they have no fear but excitement.