Chapter 60 Take Down The Spanish Gang Part 1

  The Spanish Gang.

  Dani sat in his boss chair, with a cigar in his mouth, eyes slightly closed, and the record player was playing "Scarborough Fair."

  Upon first hearing this song, Dani was astonished and loved it immensely. He privately recorded a copy of the record by leveraging his connections at the radio station.

  "Knock knock!"

  The office door was knocked on.

  Dani furrowed his brow slightly.

  He hated being disturbed at this times.

  "Come in."

  The office door opened, and a man in his forties walked in, relatively slender, with a somewhat elongated face, wearing glasses, looking more like a schoolteacher.

  This man was Charles Simon, the new strategist of the Spanish Gang.

  Before Simon could speak, Dani waved him off, gesturing for him to sit and listen to the song before continuing.

  Simon obediently sat on the sofa, waiting respectfully.