Chapter 130 Acquiring Noah's Ark

  "I'm planning to have Fred take people to develop in Las Vegas this time. Do you have any objections?" Sigel asked.

  Hardy smiled. "Of course not."

  "Allen Payne will be in charge of the Los Angeles Austrian Gang territory. Things are on track here. He can handle small matters, and Fred and I will come back for big issues."

  Hardy bid farewell to Sigel and went back to have Andy prepare the money.

  He only had more than one million in cash, which was borrowed from the bank by Hardy after the last surge in Wash Mining's stock.

  He was almost broke again.

  But he also got Noah's Ark Film Company and a Beverly Hills mansion. Not to mention the value of the film company, the mansion alone, covering 4 acres in Beverly Hills, could sell for over $5 million in just a decade.


  The next day.

  Both parties signed the agreement.

  Sigel took the check and returned to Las Vegas to continue his dream.