Chapter 151 The Search

  The room was left with just Hardy, Elena and Irina.

  With no outsiders around, Elena looked at Hardy, her eyes suddenly reddened. 'I'm sorry, Hardy. You warned me, but I still got fooled.'

  "I admit I was a bit greedy. Leo's maneuvers confused me. I thought having Musk and John go to France would ensure everything was fine, but we were still tricked."

  Losing $100,000, Elena felt very guilty and upset.

  Hardy stepped forward, wiped away Elena's tears, and pulled her into a comforting hug.

  'Don't cry. It's a small matter. I'll handle it. I'll ask my friends to help find the guy; maybe we can recover the money,' Hardy reassured her.

  He hugged Elena purely to comfort her.

  Feeling Hardy's embrace, Elena didn't notice anything strange, only feeling a sense of support.

  "If we can't recover the money, I'll use my own funds to cover the loss." Elena said, choking up.