Chapter 153 Victor's Run

  "Let's split into 30 teams. Each team takes a sketch and searches everywhere. Also, check with our associates to see if anyone has seen this person or if he has any accomplices or hideouts here." Henry instructed.

  The term "gang associates" generally refers to peripheral forces, including thief gangs, fraud groups, pimping rings, car thieves, and loan shark collectors. Though these individuals might not be powerful, they are unmatched in gathering information.

  "No problem." Alan agreed.

  The teams began their search, and soon bars, nightclubs, hotels, and even street corners in Miami were swarming with people. The entire Miami underworld knew the Lucchese family was searching for someone named Leo.

  People knew that whoever this person was, he was in big trouble.

  Victor called an old friend named Charles, a savvy Brit skilled in money laundering. In the past, Victor had Charles handle several checks for him.