Chapter 168 The Probing Phase Before The Escalation

  Then drugs emerged. Drugs were a new industry with incredibly high profit margins, high enough to tempt everyone.

  Several other families in New York, or rather, almost all American gangs, wanted to get into the drug business because it was so profitable and attractive. But the old Godfather steadfastly refused to compromise his principles and get involved, becoming a major obstacle for them.

  Hardy had met Bruno before. The last time the Flamingo Casino opened, Bruno was there and had a minor conflict with Hardy. He didn't expect Bruno to become the first casualty in the conflict between the five families.

  Hardy received the news much earlier than Michael.

  Henry and his team's wiretapping and surveillance had already started to pay off. When Sonny sent people to kill Bruno, Hardy's men noticed it in advance and quickly reported it to Henry, who then informed Hardy and asked whether to intervene.