Chapter 177 Bank Loan

  Williams smiled and said, "Haha, General Nussen lives in Detroit after retirement. He has a farm in the countryside and enjoys a leisurely life. I will contact him for you later."

  After returning to New York from Virginia, Hardy instructed Andy to contact the banks to discuss the loan business.

  As for going to the bank and asking for a loan, no way. Hardy is already a rich man with a lot of assets.

  In the conference room of the Hilton Hotel, Andy invited six bank credit executives, including Citibank of New York, First National Bank of New York, Bank of New York Mellon, Bank of America, First National Bank of San Francisco, and Wells Fargo.

  These people came because of Hardy's name.

  Hardy is now a significant figure in the business field. HD Security, HD Films, "N.Y.T" TV Factory, Playboy Magazine, Barbie Dolls, and Rocky Mountain Mineral Water, are all real money making enterprises.