Chapter 188 Press Conference

  "A few days ago, you learned that the North Shore Gang was planning a large scale drug transaction. In response to such a serious crime, the Los Angeles Police Department immediately organized an arrest operation. During the operation, the police faced unprecedented resistance. The police, along with HD Security, engaged in a deadly battle with the gangsters and eventually busted a massive drug deal, killing a large number of resisting criminals."

  "Can we really say that?" Chief Ed asked, astonished.

  "Why not? You are the police Chief. Who knows the truth better than you? Besides, the police and HD Security did indeed deploy a significant number of personnel tonight to engage in a gunfight with the criminals. Who can deny that this is the truth?"

  If they followed Henry's narrative, tonight's events could be completely covered up, and Ed would become a heroic police Chief who busted a major case and eliminated a gang, making a significant contribution.