Chapter 201 Stabilizing Las Vegas

  Hardy nodded in satisfaction.

  He needed the Mexicans as a buffer but didn't want them to grow too big and threaten the Los City Company position, so he would occasionally hassle them.

  "Bill, although the Los City Company now controls Los Angeles, you must be careful. Other Mafia families might have their eyes on Los Angeles. We just had a conflict with the Selton family from San Francisco, they might seek revenge. Also, be wary of the Irishman Raymond and his possible retaliation."

  Hardy thought for a moment.

  "Bill, in the second half of the year, I'll have Lancer aggressively expand the security company's business in San Francisco. You can send a capable team to scout out the situation in San Francisco first."

  Bill's eyes lit up.

  "Boss, are you planning to expand the Los City Company into San Francisco?!"