Chapter 209 ABC Broadcasting Company

  The next day.

  HD Films.

  In the casting room, Hardy sat in the middle, with Director Nolan and Hedy on either side. Gene Kelly walked in, nodding to the three.

  Nolan had Gene Kelly perform a segment. Kelly, with his stage acting background, had deep acting skills, but Hardy felt his performance was a bit forced.

  Maybe this was a common issue with stage actors.

  Reagan walked into the casting room. At 36, Reagan stood 185 cm tall, looking handsome and steady. He would grow even more handsome with age, and many considered him the most handsome president ever.

  Seeing the people behind the table, Reagan nodded and greeted, "Good morning, Mr. Hardy, Director Nolan, Miss Lamarr."

  Hardy was surprised Reagan recognized him.

  "You know me?" Hardy asked.

  Reagan smiled, "Mr. Hardy is an outstanding young man, a celebrity in Hollywood. I saw your photo on the cover of "Fortune magazine."