Chapter 215 American Broadcasting Corporation

  The next day, Andy and Noble finally reached an agreement. They acquired ABC Broadcasting Company for 12 million dollars, obtaining all the assets of the original radio company, including the headquarters in Hollywood, Los Angeles, and New York.

  Most importantly, they secured the cable network that covered the entire United States and the network agreements with 116 television stations. With these cables and agreements, ABC could transmit its programs to these stations, which would broadcast the signals locally, achieving nationwide coverage.

  Hardy had to pay 12 million in cash: an initial payment of 5 million, 4 million after six months, and the final 3 million six months later.

  On the same day, the Paramount negotiation team, who had been locked in an abandoned factory for three days, finally saw an opportunity. That day, after being fed, their mouths were left unbound. One of them found his ropes loosened and used his teeth to untie them.