Money Can Buy The Whole World!


I sat in a chair with a stiff back. Drumming my fingers on the table nervously, I heard my own heart thumping in my ear. The chilly room with the blasting air conditioner couldn't stop a bead of sweat that rolled down my spine.

My eyes shifted to Christine, who sat across me. Her bronze didn't do any good to help her hide her paled face. She looked more terrifying than me.

Good! She should!

Because she had one thing to take care of and yet, she managed to land both of us at the mouth of the angry lion.

At least I shared the blood of that lion to have a sliver of hope!

Poor Christine!

The tick-tock sound finally stopped, and I shifted my attention back to the man, who stood in his fine charcoal suit.

He turned to meet my grey eyes. If looks could kill, then I would have definitely been six feet under the ground.

"So there is no progress in this matter at all?" He looked directly at me, but his question was directed to Christine.

If she looked pale before, then now even the last drop of blood in her body froze to ice as she gulped nervously. For a moment, I pitied her and wanted to pass her an encouraging glance but that would have meant inviting my death.

I didn't pity her more than my life though!

"We, we are constantly trying to reach Miss Bell, Sir. I-I am sure she will agree for a meeting with us." Christine answered, squirming in her chair.

I couldn't blame the girl as I was too as nervous as her. Sharing a room with Mr Victor Sanders, Chairman of 'Sanders Group of Companies', a bigshot in the business world, was not a joke even for his son, me!

Business runs in Sanders' blood. I don't even remember who founded the base of this business that turned into a fucking empire over the generations.

Every Sanders person has invested blood and sweat, sometimes theirs and a few times... others, to get this name to represent the whole country in the world.

Sanders meant profit, and there was nothing that can stop them from making it! That was the reputation my father and my forefathers had built for our business.

And now it was my responsibility to continue that heritage if only I don't get my ass kicked by my father because of this stupid woman- Miss Bell!



I stopped myself from facepalming at Christine's stupidity. She should be attentive when she was dealing with my father.

He crossed his hands behind his back. His piercing eyes pointed right at her, leaving me to finally breathe,

"When do you think Miss Bell will be ready to finally sit down for the talks, Miss Mill?"

Christine squirmed under his pointed gaze. "I... I d-don't know sir."

I felt like I should have stayed back in Greece at that time and never come back, only to receive my father's wrath.

And then maybe, just maybe I would have found that woman with burgundy hair. A shiver ran down my spine as the memory reminded me of her sugary scent.

"Get up"

Father's voice snapped me back into reality. Christine looked between him and me unsurely.

"P-please sir, let me-"

"I said get up, Miss Mill."

Christine stood up shakily but didn't let go of the edge of the table for fear of falling.

"You too"

I was instantly on my feet. Father checked his wristwatch, and a displeased frown appeared on his face.

"I have an urgent meeting to attend. I also have a flight to Europe tonight. I will be out of the states next month.

Devon, we will begin the construction of the factory BEFORE that. And if not, then... Mason is ready and well capable of handling such situations."

He didn't wait to let me open my mouth in protest or hear me cursing loudly before he walked out of the room. I heard a thump as Christine fell into the chair. She rested her forehead on the edge of the table as she breathed heavily as if she was short on oxygen.

We both sat in silence, still recovering from that tense encounter with father.

But five minutes later, I stood up with determination. Christine looked up at me questioningly.

"You know I will never allow Mason to get this project."

"I know, Boss. Infact every person in this building knows."

I released an angry breath. "I am going to Swindon. Arrange a meeting with this woman. She and her stupid organisation cannot destroy Devon Sanders' future!"





I was waiting outside the Sanders Co. in my car, tapping my foot impatiently. I checked the time only to frown.

"What is taking him so long?" I mumbled to myself. About twenty minutes later, I caught the black Mercedes exiting the gates.

My shoulders relaxed, and I leaned back into the seat. Now my road was clear. I ordered my driver to turn the car and get directly to the back side gate of the building.

Once the car stopped at the right place, I get down it. The driver drove off before anyone noticed the car. I looked up at the CCTVs and smirked.

I entered the basement of the building where hundreds of cars were parked. One might get lost in that sea of colourful, expensive vehicles.

But I found the one I was looking for. The door was already unlocked. I opened it before getting inside. I turned to see a woman, young and beautiful in her late twenties clutching the steering wheel tightly in her hand.

"You may murder the poor thing you know."

She dared to look up at me and ran her tongue on her painted lips. I lean to run my thumb on her soft nude lips.

"Nice shade by the way!"

She blushed, and her cheeks turned pink instantly. I took that moment to kiss her on the lips. And before I knew it, we were already hot and excited together.

Ten minutes later, I had to pull back, though I wanted some more of her, I shouldn't forget where we were.

Her face was red, and her lips were swollen. She took a tissue paper and began cleaning her smeared lipstick from her lips before combing her straight hair.

I buttoned my shirt that she had opened somewhere between our kiss. Turning my head in her way, I asked.

"Why did you want to meet so urgently?"

Her face turned serious as she faced me. "This... this is getting dangerous."


"You know what I am talking about. Chairman is leaving tonight for Europe."

"And you think I don't know about it?" I asked her with a bored expression.

She tsked before twisting her upper body more in my way.

"You are not getting it. In Chairman's absence, Devon will take the charge. How long can I lie to him? I work for him, for God's sake!

You know how dangerous Devon Sanders can be. I may get away with Victor Sanders by begging and pleading, but Devon?

He would hunt me down if he finds what I have done in his company."

I rubbed my forehead with closed eyes.

"Are you listening to me?" She asked nervously.

I turned and grabbed her face in my hand. Her eyes widened as she whimpered in fear.

"Listen and listen to me carefully sweetheart. Devon Sanders is NOT the one you should be scared of. You just keep doing your thing and leave him to me. Okay?"

Her soft lips which had just kissed me senselessly, quivered as she asked hesitatingly.

"Wh-what are you planning to do?"

My lips stretched in a cold smile. I let go of her face before placing a soft peck on her forehead.

"You will see."

I opened the door and stepped out. While on my way into the building, I dialled a number that was not saved on my phone.

The call was picked up after two rings.

"Have you managed to get her contact yet?" I asked as I entered the lobby on the ground floor.

I smiled, nodding my head at the people who greeted me on my way.

"We are trying but she is a hard nut to crack. She doesn't want to do anything with the corporations. People even say that she has this special hatred towards the rich."

My smile turned tight as I tried to keep my anger in control.

"I don't care who she hates or who she likes. I just want her to keep on this protest. The construction of the factory shouldn't start. Do you understand that?"


"I will give whatever amount she demands. Don't worry about it." I cut him in.

The man on the other end sighed, "Look, you are underestimating that woman. No amount can buy her ethics."

"Ethics, my foot! Money can buy the whole world. You just do what I have told you to do. And... be careful!"