I Want That Report By Tonight!


On the outskirts of the city, a large stretch of land belonged to the Sanders Constructions Group. The company had undertaken a big scheme of constructing twelve towers that could provide an alternative to unaffordable housing in the overcrowded city centres.

The construction was happening at a fast pace, and about forty per cent of the work was already done. People slowed down their speed on the nearby road to take a double look at the massiveness of the project.

Every pair of an eye was trained on its success. If Sanders managed to complete it in the given timeline, then they would rise to be unbeatable in the construction sector in the country.

And Victor Sanders had always aimed to be on the top!

At one of those towers, two men were waiting for someone. One stood checking his watch while the other was pacing around with a deep scowl on his face.

It had been more than half an hour, and yet they had received no phone call or message from the person they were waiting for.

"Where is he? Call him right now! I don't have all day, damn it!" The man stopped pacing as he ordered the other one.

"Mr Carson, please calm down. I am sure he is on the way. He will-"

The man paused when a red Aston Martin screeched to a halt leaving behind a cloud of dust. The man named Carson turned to see the expensive car. From the second floor of the building, he got a good view of the car.

People were gawking at the sleek beauty even though they had seen it a few times before.

The driver's side door was opened, and a foot stepped out before a tall, muscular man came out of the car. His eyes were hidden behind the dark shades he wore. Carson noticed how a group of women working at some distance from the man gushed and giggled, looking at him.

Carson's jaw clenched as his eyes filled with nothing but anger.

The man closed the door of his car before running his hand through his well-styled hair. The very next moment, four bodyguards took their positions around him, and another man, his PA Jeremy Wang, came to stand beside him.

The man didn't spare even a single glance at the people who were trying to reach him but were stopped by his bodyguards.

His long strides directed him to the same building where Carson was waiting for him.

His assistant rushed to his side. "Sir, please. Be calm and just listen to what he has to say." He requested.

But to Carson, he looked no less than a dog who barked for his owner to get a bone.

He didn't say anything and waited until the man was on the second floor.

Before he came to stop, his men brought two chairs and placed them across each other. Carson's anger only flared more. He was waiting for him for more than half an hour for the meeting that he insisted on having, and none of his people bothered to offer Carson a chair or a glass of water.

The man sat in one of the chairs like he owned the place. And to be fair, he indeed owned that place in a way.

Carson's assistance urged him to cooperate. Carson had no interest in listening to that man's manipulative words, but he couldn't just deny his request for a meeting.

He walked to him and was about to sit in the other chair when the man in the suit lifted his legs and placed his feet on that chair.

Carson's anger flared even more at that insult.

"Mr Burke! This is too much now!"

Burke slowly removed his glasses and handed them to Jeremy. His cold green eyes observed Carson carefully.

"Hello, Mr Carson! This is our first meeting. Let me introduce myself properly." He stretched his hand for a handshake while introducing himself.

"My name is Mason Burke, Managing Director at Sanders Construction Group. Welcome to 'Bloomfield', my biggest project so far!"

Carson took instant revenge by crossing his hands instead of accepting Mason's offer of a handshake.

"And by that relation, you were supposed to cooperate and answer my question during the investigation, Mr Burke."

His words didn't reach Mason's head as he stared at his outstretched hand for a long moment before he retreated it.

"Mr Carson, I am a very busy man with thousands of responsibilities on my shoulder. You must know how much my uncle trusts me and cannot do a single thing without my assistance.

I actually forgot to attend that meeting. Please don't mind me!"

Mason was a sweet talker. His words were as charming as his looks. His uncanny ability to have complete control of his emotions was what made him an intimidating person.

But that didn't bother Carson.

"And whose responsibility was those three innocent lives? Those workers too relied on you and the safety your company provided them at the construction site. But you ignored it and they paid the cost of working at such a ignorant company by losing their lives!" Carson had it all saved for this day when he would meet Mason Burke face to face.

"It was an accident, Mr Carson." Mason shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Carson couldn't believe that man's heartlessness.

"The court will decide that, Mr Burke. I have already prepared my report as the investigating officer of this case. Now if you are done, I would like to take your leave. We will meet you in the court now."

Carson turned to leave, ignoring the pleas of his assistant. But then he heard a familiar voice of a kid. His legs froze at their place before he turned to see a tablet in one of the man's hands.

Carson ran to take that tablet with panic. The voice he heard belonged to his only son.

"I just thought you might be missing your son. He has gone to the museum visit with his friends on a school trip, right?"

Carson's heart filled with fear as he watched his son laughing and talking with his friends outside the museum.

The picture on the screen changed, and now he could see his son standing at a distance, but also a gun pointed in his way with a finger ready on its trigger.

"You mother fucker!" Carson threw that tablet and ran to get his hands at Mason's throat.

But he was pulled by Mason's bodyguard.

"Tsk... tsk... tsk... love for own child is just... incredible isn't it, Mr Carson? It can push you beyond the limits and a father can go to any lengths to keep his child safe, right?" Mason said from where he sat calmly.

He sighed dramtaiclaly. "Alas! Not everyone is as lucky as your son. Well... at least I am not!"

"What do you want? If you even dare to touch my son's hair I swear, I will fucking kill you, Burke!" Carson yelled.

His assistant tried to calm him but to no avail. It was clear whose side he stood on. And it was definitely not Carson's.

Mason smiled. "Now you are on the right point, Mr Carson. What do I want? Hmm!

Well, I want you to get on your knees and beg for your and your son's life, but then it will look like an old-fashioned villain from the movies, right?

So let's be realistic here. I want you to change your report and delete every single thing that can get my company and me in trouble.

It was an accident, and it should stay the same. That's all I want. I am sure I am not asking much from you!"

Carson's resistance stopped. He stared at mason with pity, which made the latter straighten up in his chair.

"Mason Burke, is this what your father has taught you? That every person is dishonest like you?"

Mason's jaw ticked as the smile on his face vanished.

"Tell your papa that threats like these don't mean anything to people like me. Do you want to kill my son? You are free to do so. Do you want to kill me? Then I am standing right in front of you.

But remember. It is not going to solve your problem. You cannot escape this time, Mason Burke." Carson's confidence and fearlessness irked Mason.

He realised how he had underestimated the man.

He stood up from his chair and walked to stand face-to-face with Carson.

"I am asking you for the last time, Carson. Change that fucking report!" Mason hissed, his face still not giving away the anger brewing inside him.

"NEVER! And stop using the innocents to get what you want. You can never win! I know about your rivalry with your cousin, Burke. Though I am not a fan of Devon Sanders, I certainly know that he is at least a better person than you can ever be.

This empire belongs to his family, and he will be the one inheriting it. So if you think you can have the whole world at your feet, you are sadly mistaken. Because my report will expose your real face to the w-"

No one heard Carson's next words when Mason's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket to see 'Aunt Madison' flashing on the screen.

"Hello aunt!" He picked up the call.

A bodyguard hurried with a napkin and began wiping his other hand.

"Mason, dear, we have a party to attend tonight. You were supposed to be home by now." Madison, Devon's mother said in concern.

Mason smiled. "Don't worry aunt. I will be home on time."

"Okay, but drive safely and I have already prepared a suit for you. I hope you will like it!" She smiled.

"Of course, I will Aunt, after all, your choice is the best! I will see you in some time. Bye, aunt!"

Mason cut the call and then checked his hand, which was clean now.

"S-Sir?" Carson's assistant stuttered, too shocked to say more.

"You will get your money. I want that report by tonight."

Mason didn't wait to hear more and walked away. His bodyguard, who had cleaned his hand just now, threw that napkin on the ground for others to take care of it.

But Carson's assistant still stood frozen at his place, staring at that napkin which was now covered in red... red of Carson's blood.