Punishing The Culprit!


"Forget about it! I am going to start the work of this factory and you or your petty organisation can go to hell!" I was fuming in anger and didn't care if she got scared of me.

But that woman was full of surprises. Instead of breaking into tears, she walked near me, swaying her hips lightly. And as she crossed the distance between us, I found myself coming short of air until I stopped breathing completely.

She was close... very close to me, invading my personal space.

I backed from her because her nearness was overpowering the fear of my father. But the more I backed away, the more she neared me, pulling to me like a magnet.

I almost startled... almost, when there left no more space to back away from her, avoid her. I was pressed against the window, and now that I finally dared to breathe, all I could smell was her... only her.

She stopped right in front of my nose as confidently as she walked into this office. And yet she barely reached my eye level even in those heels.

Her hand rose, and I thought she was planning to slap me, but when she yanked me by my collar to lean down to her level, I was gobsmacked.

She craned her neck to bring her mouth close to my ear, and I thought my heart would either explode or jump out to land at her feet.

"You can do what you want, Mr Sanders. But let me tell you, I will get Sanders Group of Companies down even at the cost of you! All the best!!" She whispered the last part before she let go of me.

I remained frozen in that awkward position until Christine rushed into the office and informed me that Elena was gone and she didn't look pleased by this meeting at all!





I stormed out of that office with a burning headache. What a scoundrel!

Who did he think he was?

Did he try to buy me? He thought he could buy the whole world with his money and when I asked him my price, he declared me guilty?!


No wonder that man was known as arrogant and ill-mannered!

"Elena... Elena please stop."


I ignored Joanna and Steve's calls as my feet carried me to my car. The workers were waiting for me to say something, but I had nothing to tell them than what I have told them so far.

I will not let the Sanders start this factory in my town!

I opened the driver's door and was about to get in the car when something caught my attention. I paused and then turned my head to see a car standing at some distance. My eyes narrowed as I tried to peek inside my recent memories.

And then I found the right one.

Oh! So it was him!

I got in my car with a decision on my mind. Joanna and Steve, oblivious to my plan, joined me in the car.

"Fasten your seatbelts." I said as I started the engine.

"Uh?" Steve asked stupidly while sitting beside me.

I ignored him and changed the gear. My eyes were fixated only on the car standing in front of me. I hit the accelerator, and the car sped off.

By the time Steve and Joanna realised the direction it chose, they were left with only one choice- scream!

"Elena! Watch out!"



My body lurched forward, but the seatbelt saved me. Unfortunately, my two companions were not so lucky and hit their heads hard.

Once the crashing sound settled down, I heard the loud murmurs and collective gasps even with the closed windows.

I changed the gear again and reversed my car before ramming it again in that silver Rolls Royce. I saw the driver running in our way. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

Actually, he did! And that ghost was Elena Bell!

He should have thought about it before trying to run over me last night. My knee still pained like bitch, courtesy to him.

Even after two crashes, my heart was not satisfied, so I went for another one. I was thinking of one more when I saw dad running from behind in the rearview mirror.

"Oh no! Elena, your dad! Move move move"

More than me, Joanna was frightened to see him coming. But to be fair, I was afraid too. I turned the steering, and the car began on the way to the main gate.

I glanced in the side-view mirror to see the arrogant billionaire running out of the office. He must have heard the crashes or the hoots from the workers. But when he saw what the whole commotion was about, he stopped mid-way.

I could see his eyes trying to reach my throat to squeeze the life out of me.


I took my sunglasses and wore them proudly.

"That's what you get for messing with Elena Bell, asshole!"

I heard Steve choking on his own spit as I drove out of the gates and headed straight to the office.





I watched her beaten-up white car speeding out through the gates. My fists were clenched at my sides, and every vein in my body was on the verge of exploding.

That vile woman!

"I... I am sorry Boss but she... she came unexpectedly and I..." My driver was constantly apologising but no words registered in my head.

All I felt was the hot fury brewing inside me. I turned my head to meet the apologetic gaze of Oliver Bell.

"B-Boss... the car..."

I ignored Christine before storming inside the office. I locked the door, not allowing anyone to get in.

My brain was on the verge of bursting. How could she do that to my car?

That was fucking a Rolls Royce! She could work her ass off her whole life in that petty organisation and still wouldn't be able to even buy one.

And she just crashed it with her old, beaten-up Chevrolet?!

I pushed the vase that was near to me, and the poor thing crashed on the floor. But that was not enough to calm me down.

Once I destroyed the whole office and was left with nothing more to take out my anger on, I slumped in the chair.

I was still not satisfied, and I would not until I gave her equally painful damage.

I closed my eyes, thinking of the ways I could beat her in this game. Out of habit, I began drumming my fingers on the table.

Even after ten minutes, all I could think about was her... only her. But then my eyes snapped open, and I stared at my hand.

I recalled the time when we shook hands. Her hands felt rough instead of soft. And when she sat listening to Christine, I got glimpses of scratches on her palm.

And then, when she stood leaning on the table with her hand on her hip, her face contorted in pain for a moment as if she was having trouble standing for long.

But I was too whipped by her that I failed to pay attention to those details.

But what was wrong with her?

And did that have anything to do with my car?

Oh no... oh no... oh no!

The last night came rushing to my mind. The woman who fell on the road... it was her?

Was that the only reason she damaged my car?

Everything now made sense to me. But then why she didn't mention it to me?

Or was the reason for her action, not the last night but my refusal of paying her money?

I was going crazy thinking about her. What a mysterious woman she was!

One could never decipher what was running in her mind and what she would do next.

But one thing that I have learned today about her was that... she was a danger!

She was standing opposite to me, and it was not only for the sake of her cause but the way she spoke, the way she looked at me with such hatred in her eyes, especially when she mentioned my father, it told that she was also working with a personal agenda.

It was clear that she had some personal grudges against the rich people. I heard about the meeting she held recently in her office.

A few of my friends who were targeted in that meeting called me and warned me to be careful with that woman. I clearly underestimated Elena Bell.

But not anymore!

I pulled out my phone and tapped on the screen to open the gallery app.

Scrolling down to get the album that had only one picture saved in it, I tapped on it to open it.

The picture popped up, and I saw her there. Smiling goofily at the camera with half-closed eyes, and then there was me, standing beside her with my hand around her shoulder.

She was drunk that night, so much so that I had to hold her so she wouldn't fall.

I was the one taking the picture, but instead of looking at the camera, my eyes were busy memorising every little detail of her beautiful face.

And today, I got the name for that face, Elena Bell.

The only disappointment was that she was not what I thought her to be!