The Undefeatable Sanders!


"We don't want your own people to turn against you, now do we?"

I could see the evil behind his facade, smirking tauntingly at me. I could see his evil brain scheming against me.

I took a step in his way, crossing the line of personal space to come face to face with him. He remained unmoving, unshaken.

Instead, his grey eyes lit up with something strange, perhaps excitement.

"You think you are smarter than me, don't you?"

He didn't answer, but the look on his face was enough to say his answer.

I ignored hundreds of pairs of eyes that were looking at me in a daze. I ignored Sherrif's warning glare. I ignored Steve and Joanna's pleading whispers.

All my focus was only on that grey-eyed, arrogant billionaire.

"I don't know what you have done to get my father on your side and why none of the workers is ready to utter a single word against you. You can buy the system, and deploy an army of those giants.

Do whatever you can. But remember one thing. This... is my town, and there is no way I am letting you ruin it right in front of my eyes. You might have scored this time, but I promise when I will come back, I will be here to win this game!"

My breath hitched when he leaned forward shamelessly and whispered in my ear in front of all those people.

"I will be more than pleasured to see that happening!"

Sheriff Bolt instantly pulled me back, and Devon raised his hands in surrender.

"Let's go, Elena."

I saw his eyes darting to Sheriff when he called my name and a strange darkness took over those grey orbs.

But before I confirmed it again, it was gone. Without waiting for more, and after throwing a quick glare in dad's way, I got back in my car and drove off.

I needed some time to vent out my anger, and that was impossible if any one of them followed me.





Inside aunt Maddie's office, we sat in tense silence while she attended to mom's call. The news was running in the background on the large screen on the white wall.

Officer J S William and his two assistants sat patiently waiting for aunt Maddie. While Jeremy and my hearts were beating at the same rhythm.

I heard her sigh loudly before she cut the call. Walking to her chair, she sat down, rubbing her forehead. She was all composed and under good control of herself before the call. But that call disturbed her completely.

"Aunt Madison, are you okay?" I asked, rubbing her shoulder lightly to calm her down.

I needed her in all her senses and powers to save my ass today.

Officer William passed her a glass of water which she gladly took after a thank you. She drank it, getting a grip on herself.

"I am sorry officer but that one was important." She said without glancing my way.

I retreated my hand feeling more nervous about the situation.

"Is there any problem, Mrs Sanders? Do tell us if we can help." William sounded genuinely concerned, contrary to his arrogant self.

She shook her head lightly before a look of worry crossed her face.

"Actually, my sister-in-law, Mason's mother is trying to reach my son but... he is not picking up her calls and is not answering her texts either."

Jeremy cleared his throat. "Mam, if you don't mind, do you want me to try his PA?"

"Julianne cannot reach Christine too, Jeremy. I don't know what is happening there."

It was the mother in her speaking, and this time, I needed the businesswoman in her. Devon had to create my path harder every time!

"Mr Devon Sanders right?"

She nodded her head.

"I have heard about his new project in Swindon and how an environmental activist is protesting against it." Officer William knew more than he should about us.

"Yes. I just fear if that woman has created any more troubles for him there." Her words came with an edge of anger to them.

"Mrs Sanders, I don't think there is any need to worry about Mr Devon. I have met him at a public function once, a fundraiser to be precise.

We had a brief interaction there, but from what I have gathered from it, I am sure he is well capable of handling any situation. He must be busy with work or something and will contact you once he sees the missed calls.

But if you are still worried, then I can ask someone to connect with the local Sheriff. They may go and check up on him."

Oh, what a kind gesture from him!

Couldn't he show some ounce of that same kindness in this case too?!

Aunt Maddie shook her head, smiling gratefully.

"That's okay, officer. Thank you very much for your concern. I agree with you. Devon has this habit of immersing himself in work that he forgets the world around him.

Anyways, ask what you want to ask about this unfortunate death. I am ready to answer all your questions truthfully."

Officer William opened his mouth, but then she switched her previous worried mode into the one I needed at that time. Every line of worry disappeared from her face, and the previous coldness came to settle in her kohl-lined eyes.

"Only on one condition"

Officer William read the room and was alert instantly.

"You don't get to place any conditions, Mrs Sanders."

"Oh believe me I do when I am a SANDERS!"

He contemplated before he asked, "Go ahead."

"This discussion will remain only between us. You will go out there and clear my company's name from this case. You will receive all cooperation from my side, but none of your officers will be allowed to come inside this building and demand any kind of help at your discretion.

Our team of lawyers will keep correspondence with you. And there will be no leak of information or a public statement that may harm the name of Sanders in any way. If you agree to these conditions, I am ready to give you what you expect from me."

William didn't look pleased at all, but I felt relief in my chest. She was indirectly asking the control of this case, which was fine by me.

It will only help in distracting the police from the pieces of evidence though I doubt there were any.

William was silent for ten straight minutes, and aunt Maddie made no move to break that silence.

In the end, he had to give in and accept all her conditions.

The only thing my uncle had done right in his life- marrying that smart woman!





Amidst the crowd of dozens, one figure was well camouflaged, hiding their identity. One could have never spotted that distinct figure in the pool of so many people. Dressed in simple blue jeans and a black t-shirt with a black denim jacket and a black cap on their head, that figure looked like any other person, a passerby, an enthusiast who had gathered at the trinity square.

That figure stood behind the wall of people, staring at the scene ahead. Their sharp eyes took notice of every single detail as if they were trying to note it down mentally for future reference.

The harmless, calm gaze darted to the shiny black car that tried to get through the gates but was stopped by the police. Two familiar faces stepped out wearing black shades.

A soft chuckle left the person's lips.

'The undefeatable Sanders! They think the world will not watch them if they just cover their eyes.' A thought ricocheted in their mind.

That person watched Madison Sanders speaking to the officer. Surprisingly Mason Burke was silent all the time. It was very unnatural for him to remain silent in such situations.

When the police allowed the car to enter the gates, that mysterious person couldn't help but feel impressed.

'Smooth Madison Sanders! Smooth! Let's see what you do next to save your dear nephew.'

Even after about half an hour, that person remained rooted to their place, watching everything with a strange calmness.

The whispers and gossip fell on their ears only to bounce back into the air without reaching their brain.

They saw Carson's body getting placed inside the ambulance before it parted the crowd and was on the road to the City Hospital for the forensic tests.

Ten minutes later, police managed to disperse the crowd and release the traffic that was jammed for the past two hours.

That person was about to leave when they caught two people standing in a corner, away from the media and the fleet of police. The small boy, about six in age, was sobbing silently, clutching his favourite dinosaur toy tightly to his chest.

He didn't understand why so many people were gathered there and why he and his mom were part of it. He didn't understand what that black sack contained and how he was related to it.

All he understood was that it all scared the daylights out of him. He didn't want to be there but his mother was rooted to her place, staring at the white markings that police had made, the outlines of the exact position in which that black ack was found.

That lost woman was Frida Holmes, Carson's widow!