I Will Destroy The Whole World


I was seething in anger. After years, someone had struck that wrong and forbidden chord in me, and it has to be Elena Bell.

If she was a man or I was not raised to be respectful toward women by my mom, I would have sent her with a bloody nose and fear of a lifetime.

She just happened to be lucky!

But now that she had invoked the devil in me, I had to control him before he took over.

Running into my room, I began punching the wall, screaming and yelling, letting out all the pent-up anger. It was not only because of tonight but everything that I was suppressing in my chest for years that rushed out into the violent waves.

With my phone blaring in the background, I kept punching the wall until my knuckle bled. But that was not enough.

How dare she threaten me and my father? She had no right to speak about him. She didn't know what a great father he was! He did everything... every fucking possible thing to give me the life I lived. If he was not with me then...

I didn't even want to imagine what would have happened to me.

And she said those hateful things about him!

"Why? Why ELena Why?"

My hands throbbing in pain, but my mind didn't register it. I was too fueled by anger to take notice of anything else. The phone ringing on the bed irritated me further.

I lifted my right arm to throw another hard punch when someone dashed into my room and held my hand... well that person tried.

That didn't stop me from punching the wall, but that interruption definitely lessen the impact of the punch.

"Boss! Boss! Stop please!"

"What?" I yelled at frightened Christine. Her face was paler even against the bronze of her makeup and her kohl-lined eyes were filled with nothing but terror.

She was scared, and I thought it was because it was only the second time she was witnessing this dark side of me. But when she didn't flinch when I tried to reach her shoulder, I understood that something else had shaken her to the core.

Mustering up all my self-control, I took a minute to calm down a little.

Christine didn't deserve it! She made no mistake. It was Elena, and she should be the only one paying the price and not Christine!

I repeated that in my mind like a chant until I found my breath slowing down to normal. That was when I realised how I held on to Christine's shoulder painfully.

And that idiot bore the pain in silence, tears clouding in her eyes.

I let go of her and stepped back.

"I... I am sorry!"

She didn't look surprised at my apology though rarely do people get to hear that from me. She only nodded her head shakily before she held my hand.

She walked me to the bed, and I sat down. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand before pouring a glass of water. Her hands shook violently.

I opened my mouth to tell her that it was okay and she didn't need to do that for me when she lifted the glass and chugged it down like a thirsty pig.

I pursed my lips but remained seated on the bed.

My phone rang again for the thousandth time in a day. Today was a roller coaster ride that I didn't get a chance to take a look at it.

Christine reached for my phone, something she had never dared to do before. I watched her curiously when she attended the call. She walked out of the room, talking in hush whispers.

What the fuck was going on?

She returned after a minute wearing the lines of stress on her forehead.

"Don't ever touch my phone again!" I snatched my phone from her hand, and she didn't object.

I unlocked it to see thirty-three missed calls from aunt Julianne, a dozen from mom and... one call from Mason. I had his number saved under the name 'bison' though.

Why the hell would he do the mistake of calling me?

"You don't know anything, do you?"

I looked up to see Christine watching me carefully. Her eyes lingered on my bloodied, split knuckles for a long moment before they met mine again.

I remained silent, not answering her question.

"I went to get my phone repaired. And the first call I received was from Sir Victor."

That shook me from my trance, and I sprang up on my feet.

"Dad? What happened?"

"Boss, the Sanders are in a deep shit."

"Stop creating the riddles, Christine! Tell me what happened?" My voice came louder than I intended.

She flinched back but told me anyways. "Someone threw a dead body on the road outside the gates of sanders' office."


She nodded her head, still nervous. "Police are investigating the matter and the first suspect is Sanders! And you can't guess whose dead body is that."

"Who?" I was now on alert.

"Carson Homes!"

That name instantly rang a bell. My whole body went cold in a moment. All the heat I had gained from the intense workout session and equally intense encounter with Elena, was gone with that one name.

I turned on my heels to walk to the bathroom. "Pack your bags... we are leaving."





The next morning, Victor reached his office early in the morning without any breakfast. He pushed the door of his cabin open only to find a man dressed in a grey suit, medium height, thin-rimmed glasses rested on his nose and his fingers tapping impatiently on the table.

He looked up at the sound of the door opening and stood up after seeing Victor striding inside.

Anyone would have been surprised to see Victor hugging the man wholeheartedly.

"Welcome back my friend!" He patted the man on his back.

The man pulled away before telling Victor that he was there to discuss something important. Both men took their places, facing each other with the table between them.

"What happened Ortiz? You look quite worried." Victor noticed the mood.

"So are you, Victor!"

The men who were not only working with each other were also best friends for over three decades. Ortiz was Victor's strong pillar. He was also one of the board members of the Sanders group of companies with large stakes in the various subsidiary companies of the group.

If anyone could handle the empire of the Sanders after Victor, then it was Ortiz without a doubt!

Victor raised his finger, telling Ortiz to wait for a minute. He called his secretary and ordered him to not disturb them for a while.

Once sure that it was safe to talk, Victor finally revealed.

"Ortiz, you must have heard the news right?"

The man nodded his head. "That is why I rushed back from the UK. We don't know who killed Carson Holmes but trust me, Victor, this case is going to be a pain in our ass!"

Victor shook his head. "I am not worried about it Ortiz. There is one more problem here."

"What?" Ortiz was alert now.

Whenever Victor Sanders addresses something as a problem, there is severe trouble!

"Carson... he knew... about... Devon."

It took a moment to register his words for Ortiz before his eyes widened by a fraction.

"You mean about the..."

"Yes! Ortiz, I think Carson has hidden some kind of evidence that would destroy Devon's life. I am not worried about Bloomfield that much. All I am worried about is Devon!

I swear I will fucking destroy the whole world if it tried to touch even a strand of my son's hair!" Victor slammed his fist into the table, anger shooting through him.

Ortiz looked concerned now.

"This is bad, Victor... very bad! We only know what efforts we have taken to keep Devon safe all these years. We destroyed every trail, and cleaned up every single thing!

Then how could Carson find anything against Devon?" Ortiz rubbed his jaw before pushing his glasses back on his nose.

"I am still looking into that. But we have to get that file Ortiz. I don't care if that bastard has hide it in the hell or sky. I just want that fucking file at any cost!" Victor made it clear.

Ortiz nodded and passed a glass of water to his friend. "Don't worry about Devon, Victor. We will keep him safe!"

Victor sighed and then drank the water. "By the way, do you know who tried to attack Devon on his way to Swindon?"

Ortiz chuckled, shaking his head dismissively. "No need to worry! It was one of our rivals. But I have already sorted things out."

Victor smirked. "I wish I could know your ways, Ortiz. How you managed everything sitting in another country is a mystery to me."

"Shouldn't you be worrying how I get all the inside news too?"

This time Victor chuckled, "It doesn't matter until you are honest with me!"

Both men grinned, sharing the same respect for each other.