I Want To Nominate Myself!


Every person in the conference room had his eyes and ears focused on dad as he stood tall and proud, glowering at the people sitting around the conference table.

"Like a tradition, I ask Mr Tamaka to suggest a name that he thinks is cappable of taking care of Sanders Telecommunications."

My jaw clenched because I knew for sure that Tamaka would nominate his pet cat over me. He had no reason to don't like me, just like many of the people gathered in the room.

The only reason they never supported me was because of who I was. Victor Sanders' son!

Tamaka adjusted his glasses before licking his thin lips. "In my career with Sanders, I have met great people who have exceptional leadership skills.

But there is this one person who comes to me as a believer, a believer of a great vision that would take Sanders's telecommunications to greater heights.

And that name is the young and all of our favourite Mr Mason Burke!"