Who Was The Real Devon Sanders?


When I saw that woman's face contort in pain before her hand shot to her chest, I instantly recognised the danger. I ran to her while dodging the insane people fighting like animals.

Before I could reach her, she fell on the ground withering in pain. I kneeled down beside her, trying to wake her and looking for help. I was screaming, asking for somebody to stop and help me because I had zero knowledge about the preliminary treatment that a patient needs in such a situation.

Death had always been a sensitive topic for me. Especially after my mom's death.

And watching someone walking that thin line between life and death threw me into panic mode. At that moment, I didn't care if someone witnessed fear on my face or how helpless I was.

My priority was that woman's life.

I was so worried that I didn't notice a policeman charging at me with his baton until a big shadow loomed over me, covering me from the bright sunlight.