I Thought You Are Different


Christine and I stood near the coffee machine though she didn't let me drink any. Little did she know that I already had one cup coursing through my body to help me get through this day.

She was careful while talking.

"Oh my God, Boss! You. are. such a. GENIUS!!! You should have seen what happened after you left." She gushed like an excited toddler.

"What happened?" I was curious to know.

"The police with the help of our security took some of the protestors with them, charging them with many sections. Sorry, I don't remember them, but Smith will fill you in on them.

You should have seen the faces of the TGF staff. They were shell-shocked as they looked around at the bruised volunteers. The police served them right though Sheriff Bolt went into panic mode when he couldn't find Miss Bell."

My jaw ticked. "Why would he? She is not his sister for him to worry about her so much!" I grumbled distastefully.

"Exactly, Boss!"