You Like Her!


In the next hour, I was sitting on a couch in Mr Ortiz's office while he typed something on his laptop in hurry. I didn't mind, as it gave me some time to cool off.

I was calmer than before and waited for Christine to get me good food.

Five minutes later, Mr Ortiz closed his laptop and placed it aside. "Sorry! That was urgent."

"No problem! I understand."

He stretched his left arm on the backrest and placed his right palm beside him. Placing his right leg over the left one, he finally asked, "So? How did you know?"


"Where to find Miss Bell?"

I leaned back on the couch across from him. "I got a note in the morning."

"Can I see it?" He asked, raising his brow.

Fortunately, I still had it inside my wallet. For some reason, I felt the need of keeping it carefully. You may not know when these things come in handy!

I took out my wallet and gave him the note. Mr Ortiz read it aloud.