Cut Only The Infected Part


Julianne could feel the pain behind madison's anger and frustration. After all, she was also a mother and had one son. She couldn't imagine being in Madison's shoes.

She couldn't tolerate the thought of Mason going against her wish and disregarding her opinion like trash.

No parent could tolerate that!

"Do you know how everyone is laughing in my face? They are happy to see that Madison Sanders, who held herself so above everyone will now have a daughter-in-law from some cheap family.

They are glad to see that my daughter-in-law is not going to bring any fortune or prosperity to our business or family. They think that she will break Devon away from me before kicking me from his life forever!

Do you know how humiliated I am feeling right now?" More tears streamed down Madison's face, and her nose turned red due to all crying.

Julianne leaned forward to rub Madison's arm in consolation.