Man Of My Dreams?


"Does your dad know that you have chosen your rival to be your partner behind his back and without his consent?

Or was it your dear daddy who taught you how to cheat people and fool them?"

I exhaled a sharp breath glaring at her. She hadn't changed even a bit since the last time I saw her, which was about a year ago.

"Oh! So the infamous vamp of Swindon is finally back?!" I retorted without holding back by even an ounce.

Her thick lips painted in maroon curled in a sneer.

"Watch your mouth, bitch! At least I am not the one pulling the rich men in my trap to suck their money off!"

"Kattie, behave! You are talking to Elena!" My neighbour, the husband, reminded her with a warning.

As a working man, he knew that I had reached where I was by working my ass off, and she or anyone else had no right to talk to me in such a derogatory way.

I ignored her and tried to walk away when Kattie snickered again.