I Am Coming With You!


I watched Elena munching on her burger slowly while staring out of the window of the local diner. She looked lost in her thought while wearing a small thoughtful frown on her face.

I sighed as the salad I had ordered didn't taste good to my sour mouth. I was desperate for revenge and was barely able to control my anger. If it wasn't for Elena, then I would have turned the whole town into an ugly mess in a fit of anger.

I tried to keep my focus instead of giving in to the madness in my head, but an irritating and disgusting sound kept distracting me. I tried to ignore it at first, but it felt as irritating as someone scratching their nails into the wall.

My fingers held the fork tightly before I shifted my gaze to Elena's left to see a pig with thick-rimmed glasses, blue eyes and bob-cut hair stuffing her mouth as if she was starving for ages.

"Why the hell do I have to pay for you when I was meant to bring only my fiancee for the dinner?" I asked through my tensed jaw.