Entering The Unknown World- 1


But to my utter disappointment that kiss was only short-lived. He pulled away, and again his face was coloured in the previous dark look.

How fast that man changes his moods?!

No wonder Christine keeps complaining about his mood swings because they were indeed worse than a woman on her PMS.

"Come on."

Without getting any explanation from Devon, I sat beside him in his car as he drove it on the now deserted city roads. The lights were the only thing that kept my mind engaged, or I was sure I would have ended up annoying him by showering him with thousands of questions.

We left the world of skyscrapers and glass walls behind before we entered a more humble neighbourhood where I saw some standalone buildings and houses. But for some reason, that place didn't ooze any good vibes.

I straightened in the passenger seat as I took in the details. I caught people, especially men huddled in small groups with their motorbikes and helmets on the roadside.