Wedding Shopping


Devon paused while walking, then turned to face me. "Elena, don't get me wrong, but we both know that your dad has not much savings with him. If he spent all his savings on our wedding, then he will be left with nothing.

He is going to retire in two years. How is he going to survive after that?

And why should we put him in such a position when I can afford all the expenses? Isn't this my wedding too? I am taking on more responsibilities because I have more resources.

Besides, he is already contributing more than he should by playing the role of an adult. He is not only looking after your side of the preparations but also mine. When it should have been done by my family."

My face softened upon hearing it. Though Devon didn't show, I knew he missed his family. Their absence and unwillingness in participating in our wedding preparations saddened him.

Yet he held up only for my sake.

"And about chosing the ring specifically..."