Not Until You Look Into My Eyes


"Devon, are you listening to me?" I asked while sitting on his bed cross-legged as I watched him scrolling through his phone while leaning on the table in front of me.

"You should go to sleep Elena. Your dad wouldn't appreciate you sitting here in my bedroom at this late in the night." He didn't spare me even a single glance since we have returned from Green Lotus.

During the whole dinner, he remained quiet without speaking a single word. He ignored any effort of making him speak. And his hold on my hand was so tight that my hand was still red and a bit swollen.

We had to do some more shopping tomorrow. Dad suggested staying at a hotel, but Devon insisted we all stay at his place. With three bedrooms, one was taken by dad while the other one was for me and Joanna.

Joanna was tired, but the way she avoided Devon told me that she was frightened of him for some reason and retired to bed earlier than normal.