Carson Needs Justice


We were about to leave for the shopping when my phone rang. I instantly picked it up, seeing Mr Ortiz's name on the screen.

"Hello, Mr Ortiz! I-"

"Devon! Where are you?"

I was concerned hearing the panic in his voice. It was rare to see that man losing his calm and when he did, it didn't bring good at all.

"I am about to leave for the wedding's shopping. Why?"

"Turn on the news and check the Twitter."


"RIGHT NOW, Devon!" He almost yelled.

Elena, who was standing beside me, watching me carefully, sensed the tension on my face. She placed her hand on my arm, looking at me in concern.

I didn't say anything before switching on the TV and finding the news.


An incident that has shaken the whole corporate world has not only impacted them but also the bureaucracy. About an hour ago, some confidential and controversial papers are leaked by a social media account named under Carson Holmes.