The Day- 1


I was not shocked per se but definitely surprised to see my whole family standing there in front of me. Dressed as best as they were known for, they stood wearing smiles on their faces- the plastic ones of course.

I was familiar with those kinds of smiles that my family plastered for the sake of maintaining their image in front of the public. And today, they were doing the same.

"They are here for you, Devon. People are watching and this day is special for Elena. Act wisely." Mr Ortiz murmured by my side.

Maintaining a straight face, I walked to stand where my family was. Aunt Julianne was the first one who stepped forward and hugged me with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, but it was filled with relief to a certain extent.

"Oh my dear, Devon! I am so happy that I got a chance to attend your wedding!" She said against my chest as I wrapped my arms around her short frame. Her words were meant for only me to listen.