You Don't Need To Worry About Me


Ortiz didn't know what to do now but seemed like Nolan came prepared with his homework. Seeing that the old man was rendered speechless, he continued.

"How can they know where Mason would be at that time? And the appointment of Mr Devon for the CEO's post hasn't received an official public announcement.

Only the company staff and the inner circle of Mr Victor Sanders are aware of it. So how did these culprits find Mason in that club and at the perfect time when he lost his shit?

And how did they manage to leak that video from the bar when it was deleted from every device?"

Ortiz pursed his lips. "Shouldn't it be you finding those answers? What do I pay you for?"

Nolan threw his head back, laughing as if his customer had cracked some great joke.

"Would you ever forget to remind me that for once?"

"Never!" Ortiz replied nonchalantly.