He LOVES her, Jimmy!



"Listen and listen carefully because I am not going to repeat myself again. You and your news agency can fuck yourself for all I care.

Whatever is happening at Sanders Cements or any of the companies belonging to Sanders Group is none of your business. It is between us and the government. So if you are so desperate for a good scoop, then you can always go to the police and ask them.

And if you think I am fool enough to create a scene here like my cousin and get myself into trouble then you should have done your research on who Devon Sanders is.

Now... if I see you or whoever has paid you to fake this act anywhere near me or people in my life, I would not hesitate to cross the limits irrespective of the consequences. Are we clear?"

The man looked so pale that he nodded his head vigorously. As soon as Devon let go of him, he scurried away without looking back.