He May Never Wake Up At All


Minutes turned into hours, and I would be lying if I said those weren't the longest and most tense hours of my life. Aunt Julianne was calling repeatedly, asking if the operation was over.

But every time I had to answer the same. That it wasn't.

I sat between the two Sanders men, who stared at the closed door ahead of them like two stone sculptures. Their faces were blank as a sheet of paper, and their grey eyes were empty, dull.

But the tension radiating off their bodies told another story, and I wondered how I survived it for so long. Madison kept pacing in the corridor while blaring orders through the phone.

With the whole family absent from the office, someone had to take care of things. I understood.

I glanced at Joanna, who sat on Devon's other side. Relief spread through my chest to see her holding Devon's hand that rested on her knee.