He Will Come Back!


He was rendered speechless as he listened to her. He could feel every emotion she felt as if he was there to live those moments there with her.

He knew what she had felt that time because every time he saw his enemies, his blood boiled the same way. And the urge of taking out his anger grew a lot, but he couldn't do anything for the sake of their revenge.

"I was contemplating running away from there. I had no business left there anyway. But then I heard his voice. Ortiz was talking on a call with someone. And the fire that had satiated a bit by killing the security guard reignited, more fiercely.

I hid behind a column and watched him walk toward his car. The place was completely deserted. And that was when I realised that I was still holding the metal rod that I used to kill the guard.

He was right there, you know! Right in front of me. Alone and defenceless.