[Golden ticket reward Update- 3]On The Target List Of Serial Killer!


After Devon and I make up, we returned back to the villa because Victor Sanders was adamant about it and didn't want to leave us alone when the news of Rodriguez's murder spread like a wildfire.

This Sunday, we asked our friends to meet. Devon and I spent hours going over the same things again and again, but our brains couldn't put any link together.

I suggested him to talk with our friends because the more, the merrier!

Devon had a secluded corner in the Green Lotus reserved for the Sunday brunch. We reached there to find everyone already present there.

I frowned, noticing an empty chair, and asked Joanna while taking the seat. "Where's Steve?"

She opened her mouth to answer, but Jimmy interrupted her.

"Elena, we are here for discussing an important matter, your words not mine. And important things should remain between the trusted people."

I frowned at him and said defensively. "I trust Steve!"